Students learn to associate and order ideas, they learn to defend their opinions and express their points of view, they learn to evaluate and tolerate another person’s opinion.


The activity can be done as part of or at the end of a lesson.


  • Step 1: the teacher draws up cards with tasks/exercises that are linked to each other. Either they are linked by quartets, quintets, etc. or they are linked by a question and its answer.
  • Step 2: the teacher gives each student one or more cards.
  • Step 3: students study the cards individually for the time indicated by the teacher.
  • Step 4: pupils have to complete the game with their partners, either by forming dominoes, quartets, pairs, etc., whereby pupils get up from their desks to find and join their counterpart card.


  • To a video given to the students, every 2 students are asked individually to add, where they see fit, 2 specific 3D effects. Then he meets his partner to show each other his individual work. Finally, they will agree on where the 3D effects will be inserted in the video.
  • Sort historical figures by topic (electricity, pressure, mechanics, modern physics, atomic physics, units, quantities, etc.).
  • Sorting according to: units of energy, pressure, units of motion, mass, date of inventions, magnitude of forces, distances in the cosmos, letters expressing units, letters representing magnitudes, period in which the scholar lived (Newton, Pascal, Gauss, Henry, Tesla… ), period in which the definition of the unit emerged, period in which the concepts were defined, densities of the materials.