Stimulate creative thinking in a group when discussing a new concept.


Part of a lesson (< 60min).


  • Step 1: The teacher divides the class into groups of 4 or 5 people. A division of labour or role designation can be used. (Example: in each group an organiser and a secretary are appointed).
  • Step 2: The teacher distributes paper and markers and explains the task.
  • Step 3: Students have to brainstorm about the topic. Both general ideas and interpretations as well as micro-elements can be included. Brainstorming is done in a clockwise direction so that all students participate. The organiser will steer the process in the right direction. The secretary takes notes in the form of a turn. It is possible to ask for clarification from others: “What do you mean?
  • Step 4: each group makes a selection of the results to present to the rest of the class.
  • Step 5: a member of the group (this can be the secretary) presents the results to the rest of the class.


When the brainstorming slows down, the teacher stops the activity and adds the role of spy.

The spy is a pupil from each group who approaches the other groups to look at their results. He then returns to his own group to point out what he has learned. In the meantime, the groups can continue brainstorming.


  • Students research (with limited time) 5 arguments for and against nuclear energy, then have to present the two best “pros” and the two best “cons” to the class explaining why they were the best.
  • Think of all the possible ways in which people can move in pairs. Choose two that will still exist in 50 years’ time and two that will no longer exist. Reasons for the choice.
  • Think of as many ways to move/travel as you can.
  • Throughout history, what was the fastest way to get around Estimate the speed, indicate it on a graph.
  • Discuss why a cyclist stays balanced while cycling.